Well, the news is finally out! Beginning in June, all members of Central are asked to begin using the time on Sunday nights to get involved in some kind of service project, home Bible study, small group, or in some other activities that will help them to grow more in their journey in God’s Kingdom. Everyone is asked to feel free to do a variety of things and not necessarily the same activity every week. Basically everyone should use the time to invest themselves and their family into God’s Kingdom.
We've thought and prayed a lot about it and decided as a leadership that to seek The Kingdom of God even more than we have been, we’re at a point where we need to realign our resources & meeting times & asking the members of Central to use the time we normally set aside for “Sunday Nights @ Central” to become a part of some activities that will help the reign of our Lord extend even farther into a) our relationships with each other as believers, b) our neighborhoods &/or communities & c) into our homes and families.
We know that many of our folks will hit the ground running and will pray about it and let God lead them into areas of relationship development, outreach, service and growth that others may not think about. That kind of ‘entrepreneurial’ thinking, direction and action is highly encouraged. If you’re that kind of person, go where God leads you in this new format and remember to share with others at Central the great things that are happening as a result.
For those who want ideas, suggestions or a little bit of structure in which to begin using this time, we will have (upon request) some suggestions or possible ideas to get you going. Know that, at minimum, Life Stage Groups will be planning events and activities that can also help provide you with ways to get involved in the new format. Please do not feel locked into any particular option or idea that anyone suggests or throws out to you, but instead to use them as guidelines to get you down the road a little further.
When you think about the area of ministry that you are over, how do you think the changes in our format will impact of effect your work or the work of others at Central?
PS: Our 7th Wednesday at Central will have 'part 2' on April 12th since we didn't quite have enough time to get into our clusters to do work and planning this past week.
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