Worker Bee

An important exercise for any of us in leadership is to fairly regularly be honest with ourselves and do a skill-set inventory. Asking ourselves what we're capable of, good at and recognized for with ears to hear the truth is really good.
Am I a worker? Some people are good at doing a job. A guy might say, "I can change air filters and light bulbs" - does that make him a leader? Maybe by example, but it doesn't mean he can or should be put in charge of other people or an group whose job is maintenance. Just because I can do a job doesn't mean I can effectively lead other people or develop the way that job is done.
Am I a manager? Some people can come into a system that's already set up and help it maintain or keep going in the way it was given to them. They might not be able to comprehend any changes to the system that are suggested to them or see how it could be improved, but they can keep it going "as is" or as they think it ought to be.
Am I an entrepreneur? Some people can see something others can't see YET and develop it from start to finish. They may not have it in them to manage or work it after it's set up, but they can look at the big picture and see what's needed and make an existing thing better OR develop something brand new that no one has ever considered before.
Read through Acts 6 and notice the story of the first deacons. What kind of people do you think those first deacons are or were? As you read through the rest of Acts, notice 'the rest of the story' with several of them and the kinds of things they're doing later.
Sometimes it's not only refreshing, but it's necessary for us to go back to the scriptures and clarify what God intended when he started some of the things we take for granted these days. Just because I grew up in a church with a particular heritage or culture or way of doing things does not mean that it was doing what God calls for.
Imagine re-envisioning all our leadership positions in light of scripture. I think sometimes we think "Oh, I've done that. My position is right." and never think past whether our standard of right is really scripture or what's comfortable because it's what I like and know already.
So what kind of leader are you and where do you find your kind of leadership demonstrated in scripture?
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