Play ball!
With the summer comes a new metaphor we're adopting as a congregation to help our members and our leadership more effectively seek and share The Way. Our goal is to be a people who are seeking the way, sharing the way - The Way being Jesus himself (John 10:10). How we live out that goal as members of Central is by being committed to four environments in our lives:
- Worship (weekly as a group and daily as individuals and families)
- Life Stage Groups (weekly gatherings right before our group worship to grow together in the Bible and deeper in our fellowship and service)
- House Groups (smaller weekly gatherings to grow deeper in our discipleship and in relationships)
- Faith Sharing (the natural and intentional by-product of the other environments - we are changed and cannot help but share that change with others)
The new metaphor we'll be using to help people remember and plug into our ministry is a baseball diamond. The metaphor is posted all around our buildings, in our bulletin and Leon, our pulpit minister, is going to each Sunday AM adult class/Life Stage Group to present the idea.

If you've not already looked closely at it, do so soon so you can get a sense of what it is each person at Central is called to do in the path of seeking the way, sharing the way. In the weeks ahead, we'll be asking that everyone be able to think through where they are 'on' this metaphor.
In addition to asking each member to 'place' themselves, we are also asking each ministry leader to make sure they see clearly where their ministry fits into the ball field metaphor. This is the same ministry structure we've talked about for the past year, just using a different metaphor to make it easier for some to remember.
Remember that you can go back into the olders posts on this blog and see how we progressed from where we were a couple of years back through today. God has blessed us with with serious introspection time and with guidance and leadership to help us move from places we needed to leave behind and into places we need to go.
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