Seeking The Way, Sharing The Way

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since last April and in that time this communication point went dormant! The time has come once again to breathe new life into it and to begin A New Way.
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life and no man one comes to the Father except through me." We are a group of people who live all over central Arkansas and we worship together and covenant together to be a church under the leadership of shepherds who are leading us in very specific, focused ways to seek The Way of Christ and to share The Way of Christ in our lives.
While it may sound simple, we know that living this simple way will complicate our lives in many ways as we go through an initial process of changing how we think about ourselves, about 'church', about everyone and everything. But we crave this difference - this simple way of living in The Way.
There are some gatherings, large and small, that must occur over the next few weeks that will solidify our direction and in that process 'clean house' of ideas and actions that would drain energy and attention away from The Way as we choose to seek it through His leadership.
We look forward to the days ahead and, just as important, we relish what living in His presence today and now is like. Our prayer is that He will lead The Way...
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life and no man one comes to the Father except through me." We are a group of people who live all over central Arkansas and we worship together and covenant together to be a church under the leadership of shepherds who are leading us in very specific, focused ways to seek The Way of Christ and to share The Way of Christ in our lives.
While it may sound simple, we know that living this simple way will complicate our lives in many ways as we go through an initial process of changing how we think about ourselves, about 'church', about everyone and everything. But we crave this difference - this simple way of living in The Way.
There are some gatherings, large and small, that must occur over the next few weeks that will solidify our direction and in that process 'clean house' of ideas and actions that would drain energy and attention away from The Way as we choose to seek it through His leadership.
We look forward to the days ahead and, just as important, we relish what living in His presence today and now is like. Our prayer is that He will lead The Way...