A new year and new challenges/opportunties!

It's a year in which we make some significant changes in how we do things.
It's a time for several people in different leadership positions to change their focus. If the area of work that you are currently 'over' isn't a part of one of the three primary environments we're focusing on as a congregation, I strongly encourage you to begin looking into some areas that could use your time that ARE a part of those three main environments. What are they? Worship (which include worship as an event on Sunday and all those 'behind the scenes areas' that allow us to function as a church), Life Stage Groups (which includes our children/youth ministries), and Small Groups. If you area isn't plugged directly into one of those things, it's time to think about a transition. Not obvious where you fit? This might help - remember that a few months back we formally adopted the new vision/mission statement of seeking the way, sharing the way and that our shepherds and those of us on staff agreed through a series of meetings to make 2009 the year that we sharpen our focus down to doing five things very well.
- Excellent worship services – well planned, well executed
- Excellent hospitality/guest welcoming – from driving up to driving away, no one feels ignored, uninformed, etc and feel welcomed and wanted
- Excellent Children’s/Youth ministry – ‘nuff said
- Excellent small groups and other group environments (i.e. LSG’s) – continue to refine and shape our LSG’s and truly integrate a small group ministry into our congregation
- Excellent stewardship or administration of ourselves - anything we are currently doing doesn’t fit into one of these areas, we begin to move resources and people away from that thing so that we can do a few things well in our pursuit of seeking the way, sharing the way.
These aren’t just platitudes, but real goals to work toward so that by the end of 2009, we can say that we have made these five things our way of life so that we can honor God, encourage one another, and reach those who don’t yet know Jesus.
As was presented in our last leadership meeting, the ‘public at large’ among our congregation will hear us say that we want everyone at Central Church to be a part of three specific environments: 1) Worship, 2) their own Life Stage Group and 3) a small group by the end of 2009 – behind the scenes, those of us in leadership will pursue these five things listed above to make that happen.
If the three big environments aren't broad enough for you to find your place, the five 'behind the scenes' areas might open a couple of more doors for you to think about. If you're not sure, ask one of the guys on staff for some time to walk through it with you.
I know that many of you are busy and have a lot on your plate. At the same time, the Lord's Church is not a place for 'seconds' or 1/2 a commitment. Way too many people live with good intentions that they can't follow up on. Don't live like that. If you can't cash that check, don't write it and ask the church to hold on to it for a while until you can find some free time that you aren't doing anything else with and then you'll give God some of your time.
If you don't feel like you can make that happen for yourself in the next couple of months, I want to encourage you to step out of your official role (if you have one) and take the time you need to do things in your life, family, etc so that you can be focused on seeking the way and sharing the way when you take your role back up again in the future.